Still Thursday. Still magical.

Well. It’s been more than a few weeks since there’s been anything new to see here. My apologies for that; It’s fair to say that social media has swallowed up time I should have devoted to writing.

The events of the past year, and particularly the last six days, do not bear repeating. The damage is everywhere around us. So, too, are the remedies…but they involve a lot of extraordinary effort and sacrifice. We have no choice but to become, or re-become, activists. How any of us make that manifest is a very personal choice, but we each need to make that choice in some way.These days I am more grateful than ever for music: singing on Tuesdays at a local piano bar, sitting in with friends’ bands, learning a new (and difficult) instrument. I’m tiptoeing back into the water with this post, reclaiming the space and getting my chops back. More, and hopefully better, to come.Love to anyone that happens to read this.Thursdays are magical if you let them.


the replacements

There’s not an awful lot to say on this topic that hasn’t been covered countless times; I’m certainly no Jim Walsh. For the last few weeks, though, I’ve spent much of my non-working time thinking about this Sunday’s show at Riot Fest Chicago.

I still remember the first time I heard “Dare”, driving up 35th Avenue in East Oakland tuned in to KALX 90.7, pulling over and cranking the pathetic stereo on my Chevy LUV to a quite unreasonable volume. It’s one of the few songs in my life to which I can still attach a specific moment after all these years.

One of the reasons I moved to Minneapolis, in 1991, was that both The Replacements and Prince were from here, so I figured the town must be OK. A few months later the ‘Mats were history, Prince was TAFKAP and I was on my own… but the city stepped up its ante and I found a new home.

Now they’re back. Paul, Tommy and a couple of capable cohorts. Maybe there will be shows here, maybe there won’t. I’m off to Chicago, and I’m happy.

I know Slim’s presence will be heavily felt, Chris’ absence understandable, and I like to think that Bob will make it rain just to have one last gag. There will be a fairly large Minnesota representation, no doubt, but when the music starts I just want to turn the rest of the world off. No tweets, no pictures, no high-fives. Just those guys, and those songs.

Oh – buy Jim Walsh’s book “All Over But The Shouting” here, and pre-order the NEW one “Waxed-Up Hair and Painted Shoes…” here. Every home should have them.


all of us are glass…

I’ve followed songwriter/lead Throwing Muse @kristinhersh on Twitter for quite some time. She’s engaged with her fans, a straight shooter, always interesting. There are often quotes from her equally interesting son, Bo.

This stopped me in my tracks this morning, and I may have shed a manly tear or two.

“my son, Bo, talking in his sleep: ‘all of us are glass…and we broke’ ”

There’s nothing more to say. Exquisite, heartbreaking and (for me) affirming.

By the way, the Muses have a really interesting-looking book (with music) coming soon. I am looking forward to it, and will review when the time comes.

Thursdays are magical. Enjoy yours.


Limoncello is magical.

We began making our own limoncello a few years ago for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was the overly sweet and vaguely chemical taste of most commercial varieties. Our friend Dean had saved several recipes, we found a few more, and began to experiment.

The first few batches were made with 103-proof vodka, the strongest and least “vodka-y” we could find in Minnesota. Even the first version was pretty damn good, but we still noticed the vodka flavor.

Finally, another pal brought us a bottle of 196-proof neutral grain spirits (Everclear)from Wisconsin, which changed everything. We made adjustments to the recipe, particularly in the alcohol-to-simple-syrup ratio to maintain a reasonable proof, and came up with our preferred filtering stages. We use a combination of cheesecloth for the first 2 stages, then run the final mix through a stainless coffee microfilter cone.

The result is a cloudy, smooth drink with wonderful mouth feel. Some prefer to filter umpteen times to reach clarity; we like the more rustic texture of ours.

The summer Italian sun in a bottle. What more could you ask?limon

You can Google all day long for recipes; here’s a good starting point from Mario. The important thing here is to ZEST the lemons – we use microplaners. The white pith just adds bitterness, so we tend to avoid the potato peeler method.

Find your own way. Experiment. Use more lemons. Blend citrus varieties. Be patient; we let ours infuse for a minimum of three weeks.

Make some magic.

Thursdays are magical.

There will be something new to see here every Thursday. Since today is Friday, this is all you get for now…

Actually, this morning I was driving to the office listening to when Wilco’s Heavy Metal Drummer came on. I started singing along (like you do), and suddenly found myself in tears. Not quite to the point of needing to pull over, but close…

So that’s a hint of what you might find here weekly; notes about the transformative power of music, photos (always mine), the occasional link to something beautiful (and stoned).

See you on Thursdays… and other days.